Your Single Source for Lift Truck Sales, Leasing & Rentals


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President of Lift Trucks Plus, Inc. Edward Smithson began his career in Material Handling Equipment back in July of 1979 in Salt Lake City, Utah. As he rapidly excelled in the industry, Edward decided to take on an even larger endeavor to start his own company. With hard work and determination Edward and his supportive wife Robin Smithson became the only husband and wife team in the used material handling industry. Robin took care of the accounting department and human resources, while Edward managed the Sales, Service, and Rental departments. Lift Trucks Plus, Inc. is a family business, and when you work with family, you are treated like family.

With over 37 years of experience, Lift Trucks Plus Inc. has built a trusted reputation for exceeding customer’s material handling needs. Our trained sales staff has proven to work one on one with each business owner, insuring they receive the product that best accomplishes the task being performed. If you are unsure exactly what type of equipment will work best for your application, or if you have any questions regarding forklifts, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us and get your questions answered. We look forward to serving you for all of your Material Handling needs.


(801) 951-1024